basic goals

write a blogging system that lets me publish to Neocities under my new moniker, "cartooning-the-screen".

The site can be relatively plain and boring. Just look for an "accessible" CSS template.

Wipe out the old site, I am blogging now, and I understand the boundaries of what I am going to blog about. It's not going to be everything.

Prepare some material

  • 1. Exploring Agon Forth. Basically, walk through what I did with Chris.
  • 2. The "Cartooning the Screen" motive. Charles Atlas Frustration with Tiktube, Permacomputing, etc.
  • 3. Why Agon?
  • 4. Doodler's Delight, the template/comparative/contour explanation

  • Maybe work a little more on the Triplefox character persona.
